A whole 8 days since we published an update might seem very long – but we’re still pushing ahead at full speed! We regularly gather feedback from our userbase, it’s what guides us. The recent weeks’ feedback has been instrumental as ever in directing how the product develops. So thanks to it, we have the pleasure of introducing the following new Isimio features:

  • Personal configuration stores allow each user to keep their own user-level settings for the scheduler. This store supports both standard settings (such as overriding the start-of-week day), as well as custom settings for plugins or custom features.
  • Merge Field support for object filters, allowing each individual user to view a separate set of data. Merge fields make use of personal configuration stores to select which data to load according to user preferences. This allows for different users to view different departments of the business, and potentially switch between them at will.
  • Increased support for polymorphic relations in standard objects by allowing input autocomplete to return results from more than one object type. For example, a task might return both products and accounts in the completion results.

We have also started working on a video library for basic tutorials. This will be the beginning of a simple, naarated series of how-to videos, helping new users get started.

Here is the un-naarated example of using the scheduling configurator to turn the Task object from a simple date-based record, to one with start and end dates in GANTT mode:

Do you have an amazing voice and accent? Let us know and help naarate this!